Japanese minimalism inspired by Zen Buddhism - World Tour


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Japanese minimalism inspired by Zen Buddhism

Instagram Story Japan Mininmalism

Japan is one of the most industrialized, technologically advanced and prosperous nations in the world. But it is not the only thing that defines Japan. High-tech cities and robots apart, Japan is an ancient land home to natural wonders, Buddhist temples and numerous traditions, culture and philosophy. Minimalism is one of them. It is an idea of living your life with only the most essential things that you need to survive and getting rid of all other things that weigh you down. To understand more about the Japanese philosophy of minimalism, read our conversation with one of the most famous minimalists in Japan and author of the popular book on minimalism Goodbye, things – Fumio Sasaki.

Q: Your book Goodbye, Things, has become quite popular and you said “Because I don’t own very much, I have the luxury of time.” If you had one extra hour of time every day, what would you do with it?

A: コロナウイルスがもたらしたこの状況で、家で過ごす時間が長くなりました。今は実家でいて時間はたっぷりとあります。以前は、草を抜いたり庭の手入れをしたりすることは面倒で母から頼まれてやるものでした。しかし時間がたっぷりありさえすれば、以前はあまり意味のないように思えていたことが充分な楽しみになることがわかりました。ただの日常からも旅をするようにいろいろ気づきがあるものです。

Because of the current situation with the coronavirus outbreak, I’m spending more time at home. I’m currently staying in the home where I grew up, and there’s plenty of time. In the past, weeding and taking care of the garden were annoying chores that I’d do only because my mother asked. But as I discovered, when there’s plenty of time, tasks that used to feel pretty pointless can become very enjoyable. As it turns out, there’s just as many insights you can gain from the mundane as you would from traveling.

Q: In a time like this – when we are living in a pandemic outbreak, does a minimalist lifestyle make it easy or difficult?

A: この状況下で、ミニマリストのライフスタイルは良いところも悪いところもあると思います。デメリットは家で長く時間を過ごすにはある程度の物が必要かもしれないということです。DIYの道具をたくさん持っていれば家で楽しく時間を過ごすことができるかもしれませんし、Kindleやネットフリックスだけを何十時間も見つめることはできません。メリットは物が少なければ、危険な都会を離れたり、リモートワークが可能な職業に転職したりと選択肢を増やすことが簡単になることです。またぼくはランニングや、ヨガ、瞑想など必要なものが少なくてすむことを趣味にするようにしているので、今回の状況でもそういう時間の過ごし方には影響はなく良かったです。

Under these circumstances the minimalist lifestyle has both its pros and cons. The downside is that, in order to spend a lot of time at home, you may need a certain amount of things around you. You may be able to enjoy your time at home if you have a lot of DIY tools at hand. There’s only so many hours you can spend reading on Kindle or watching Netflix. The advantage is that when you have less, it becomes much easier to create more lifestyle options, such as moving away from high-risk urban areas or getting a new job that allows you to work remotely. I also try to make hobbies out of activities that don’t require a lot of tools, such as running, yoga, and meditation. This turned out to be a blessing, because even under the current circumstances, I can still spend much of my time the same way I used to.

Q: What are your thoughts on minimalism in the context of travel? Do you think it is something that people should do?

A: ミニマリズムで起こった変化をさまざまに利用している人がいます。たとえば子育て中の両親は旅行にはあまり行けないかもしれないですが、物を減らしたことで家事は簡単になり、時間ができ子供と向き合う時間が増えたりしています。


There are people who are taking advantage of the changes they experienced as a result of minimalism, in many different ways. For example, parents with young children may not be able to travel so much, but by downsizing, it can become easier for them to handle household chores, which then allows them to spend more time with their children. In my case, since my room is always tidy, it’s become easier for me to go outside. And because I don’t need to carry a lot, I can easily go on a trip.

Q: Do you travel often?

A: 旅は好きでかなりたくさんする方だと思います。旅行だけではなく2019年からはフィリピンに住み始めました。これからもいくつかの国で住みたいと思います。

I love travelling, and I do consider myself an avid traveler. It’s not just traveling—I even ended up moving to the Philippines in 2019. I’d love to live in several different countries in the future.

Q: Does traveling frequently go against the idea of minimalism?

A: ミニマリズムでは何を減らすかよりも、何を増やしたのかが大事です。


In minimalism, what you add is more important than what you let go of. What you add is a personal choice, but I know many people who, like me, are using their newly found time for travelling.

Q: How does your lifestyle help when you’re on a trip?

A: 海外旅行に持っていく荷物もできるだけ少なくしています。スーツケースは持っていかず、33リットルのバックパックを愛用しています。空港で荷物を預けなければ時間も節約できますし、荷物をロストしてしまう不安もありません。荷物を軽くした分、より遠くまで行けるようになったと思います。

Even when I travel overseas, I try to minimize my luggage. Instead of a suitcase, I bring my favorite 33-liter backpack. Since I don’t check my luggage at the airport, it saves time, and I don’t have to worry about it getting lost. I think lightening my load has allowed me to travel that much farther. 

Q: Do you travel outside Japan?

A: 海外には4,5カ国毎年行くのがちょうど良いと感じています。毎年1度は母親を海外旅行に連れていきたいと思っていて、最近行ったのは、トルコ、ペルー、ブラジルなどです。

Going to 4–5 different countries every year feels like the right pace for me. I like to take my mother overseas at least once a year. We recently went to Turkey, Peru, and Brazil.

Q: What do you think are the pros and cons of traveling to another country for a minimalist?

A: ある程度に発展した国ならば、どこでも同じようなものは買えます。ドバイでiPhoneを水没させてしまったことがありますが、新しい物を買って数時間後には元通りのデータで使用できました。キャッシュレス化も進み、ジャングルの奥地を冒険する旅でなければ、必要な荷物はどんどん減っていっていると思います。

As long as the country has been developed to a certain extent, you can buy similar things wherever you are. I dropped my iPhone in the water when I was in Dubai, but I was able to buy a new one and start using it with my original data within a matter of a few hours. As we move towards a cashless society, unless you’re going on an adventure deep into the jungle, there are fewer and fewer things you need to take with you.

Q: How can a visitor appreciate the culture of minimalism in Japan? Do you consider ryokan minimalist?

A: 都会の街はごちゃごちゃしているところもありますが、良い旅館やその日本庭園、お寺や神社などは日本のミニマリズムの美学にあふれていますので楽しめると思います。

Some urban cities in Japan are quite cluttered, but you would probably enjoy nice ryokans, Japanese gardens, temples, and shrines, as these places embody the aesthetics of Japanese minimalism. 

Q: Everyone has a phone camera now – with a ton of memory. And everyone is clicking hundreds of pictures, especially when they are traveling. Do you have any advice for people who end up with thousands of photos on their phone and become lost?


I love taking photos, too. Even digital data can add up pretty quickly, so as soon as I take a few photos, I delete everything except my favorite shots. I create a backup in Google Photos so that I don’t lose data. Sometimes I forget to look directly at the scenery, just satisfying my urge to capture it through my camera screen—so I try to be mindful not to do that.

Q: Have you ever been to India? If yes, what places did you visit and if not, then do you think that you want to visit?

A: 行ったことはありませんが、いちばん行きたいところのひとつかもしれません。仏教に影響を受けているので、ブッダの辿った場所には行ってみたいと思います。また、Dharamsalaでは友人がサステイナブルな場所を作るために長い間滞在しているので、そこにも行ってみたいです。ガンディーやマザーテレサのゆかりの土地にも行ってみたいですね。

I’ve never been to India, but it may be one of the top places I’d like to visit. I’ve been influenced by Buddhism, so I’d love to go to the places that the Buddha has walked. A friend of mine has been staying in Dharamsala for a long time to create a self-sustainable community, so I’d like to go there as well. I’d also like to visit places that have to do with Gandhi or Mother Teresa.

Q: Do you enjoy Indian food? Is it easy to find Indian food in Tokyo?

A: 東京に限らずインドカレーのお店は本当にたくさんありますし、ナンやキーマカレーなどぼくも好きです。南インドのお店はあまりないので、試してみたいですね。

There are so many restaurants that serve Indian curry, not just in Tokyo. I love naan and keema curry. I haven’t come across many restaurants from Southern India, so I’d love to try those sometime.

Q: If someone from India visits Tokyo and requests you to be their guide for a few days, where will you take them?

A: 定番の神社や、高いビルに行くのもいいですが、回転寿司や、1人で食べる専用のラーメン屋など、日本ならではの変なものがあるので面白いかもしれません。秋葉原でアニメグッズを楽しむのもいいかもですね。

Although classic tourist sites such as shrines and tall buildings are good choices, it may be interesting to check out quirky things that are unique to Japan, like the kaiten-zushi (sushi served on conveyor belts) or ramen shops that are only for solo diners. You might also enjoy the anime merchandise in Akihabara.

Q:Has Indian culture ever inspired you for minimalism?

A: インドの文化について詳しくはないですが、ぼくの本の3分の1は仏教(ブッダの原始仏教)でできていると思います。ガンディーやマザーテレサなど、インドで物を持たなかった人からも大きな影響を受けています。

I don’t know a lot about Indian culture, but I do think about a third of my book is based on Buddhism (the original Buddhism as taught by Buddha). I’ve also been greatly influenced by figures in India who owned very little, such as Gandhi and Mother Teresa.

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