When you think about Fiji, what comes to mind? Vast ocean, lovely beaches, secluded islands and traditional villages, right? Today, we want to share with you a beautiful folk story to give you a refreshing peek into life in Fiji.
“There’s a Fijian tale about how the Shark God ‘Dakuwaqa’ tries to prove that he is the most powerful of all the gods. So he goes to battle all the gods from the different provinces. He manages to defeat all except the octopus god ‘Rokobakaniceva’ (yes it’s a very long name). So he then challenges the Octopus God and then is met with defeat when all his 8 tentacles managed to wear out the deadly Shark God. The Shark God begged to be released and in return for his freedom, the people of Kadavu (where the Octopus God is from) will not be bitten or harmed by sharks from that day onwards.”
– Story and illustration of Octopus God by Naiqama Lalabalavu
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